
Altar Servers

Ministry as an Altar Server is one of the many ways that young people can be involved in serving the Parish.

This ministry is open to all young people in grade four and above and requires one training session of about 1-1/2 hour. Servers are scheduled to serve at weekend Masses as well as Holy Week, Easter and Christmas liturgies.

It is a great way for young people to be close to Jesus and the Mass!

Bereavement Altar Servers

Adult Altar Servers assist Father at Masses of Christian Burial and play a part in providing an added measure of dignity to the service. Altar servers provide witness of a caring community for the family and the deceased. Men and women adult servers are scheduled on a rotating basis as their schedule permits.

If you are a retired or semi-retired parishioner who can assist in this ministry, you will be provided with instructions for service at Mass.

Extraordinary Ministers

of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers assist the priest and Deacon in distributing Holy Communion at Mass and other liturgies.

In order to serve as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, you must be confirmed. You are required to fill out an application, attend an interview with the pastor as well as a one-day training session presented by the Diocese.

Extraordinary Ministers are scheduled to serve at weekend Masses. They are also needed for Holy Week, Easter and Christmas liturgies. We are always in need of more Extraordinary Ministers!


Lectors convey the Word of God in a clear articulate and enthusiastic manner during Liturgical Celebrations. They also keep parishioners informed about the activities of the parish through weekly announcements made prior to Mass; communicating a spirit of communication and cooperation within the parish family.

Time commitment is approximately one hour for preparation prior to scheduled assigned times to read.

Lectors are scheduled to serve at weekend Masses.

We are always in need of more lectors!

Prayer Group

Group prayer at Good Shepherd Parish is an important and integral of true Christian life. It has been this way from the beginning of time.

In Acts 2, the followers of the apostles were continually devoting themselves to the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20)

The Good Shepherd Parish Prayer Group meets on the second Tuesday of the month at scheduled times and locations as announced in the weekly bulletin.

The group offers special prayers for parishioners, their families and friends. All prayers are held in strict confidence.


The term Sacristan comes from the Latin word, "sacer", which means sacred. Sacristans are behind the scene prayerful volunteers that bring to mind the words of Jesus when He said we should do good works out of love only but not to gain accolades.

Sacristans are responsible for the cleaning of the purificators and towels, keeping the main altar clean and inserting or filling the candles.

The Sacristan ministry is a vibrant, worthwhile, grace-filled volunteer opportunity which draws us closer to God and our fellow parishioners.


The ministry of ushers is the oldest lay ministry of the Catholic Church. Ushers arrive 20 to 30 minutes early and greet parishioners and visitors at the church entrance. They assist those with special needs in any way they can. During crowded services, assisting with seating is especially important!

Ushers are responsible for passing the collection baskets, assisting in guiding communicants to the front of the church and, after Mass, ushers distribute the weekly bulletin.

After Mass they straighten the pews by collecting trash, raising kneeler benches and putting hymnals in their proper places.

Music Ministry

Our model for music in the liturgy is Jesus Himself, who sang psalms with the apostles at the Last Supper (Matthew 26:30; Mk. 14:26). Music is an integral part of our participation in liturgy - an integral part of our participation in the work of God. Song and music are signs of the Holy Spirit's presence and action, encouraging communion with the Trinity.

Singing in a group with the Cantor and the accompanying instrumentation is a beautiful ministry that can enhance the prayerful experience of the congregation during Mass.


We are always looking for parishioners who are willing to share their God-given talents to help provide for the needs of the Good Shepherd Community.

Please contact the Parish Office at 716-625-8594 for more information on how the share your talent or to sign up!


Collection Counters

Offertory Collection Counters are a dedicated group of volunteers, approved by the Pastor who process the weekly offertory collection on a weekly basis.

These individuals must exercise a high degree of confidentiality in their work.

Offertory Collection Counters are scheduled on a rotating basis with teams of two to three people.


There are two trustees appointed at each parish according to both civil and ecclesiastical law. The Trustees are nominated by the Pastor of the parish and confirmed by the Bishop of the Diocese. In concert with the Bishop, the Vicar General and the Pastor, the two Trustees serve as officers of the corporate structure of the parish.

Our current Trustees are Brian Karaszewski and Donald Spoth, Jr.

Parish Council & Finance Committee

The Parish Council and Finance Committee are advisory board who assists the Pastor in the operation of the Parish. The group meets when the need arises to assist the Pastor with concerns of the parish. Furthermore, the Finance Committee signs off on the Annual Financial Report to the Diocese.

Meetings are held quarterly or as requested by the Pastor.

Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities is a major outreach effort of the entire Diocese of Buffalo, which all parishes within the Diocese support through contributions. Through the efforts of Catholic Charities, those in need are given an opportunity to receive the help and services that they need. The Catholic Charities Appeal is taken up during Lent. Help is needed to solicit and process donations from our parishioners.

Annual Chicken BBQ & Chowder Picnic

Our Annual Chicken BBQ & Chowder Picnic is held the last Sunday of July each year on the same grounds once walked by St. John Neumann; the Pendleton Parish Site.

This annual event offers music, food, theme basket auction and a raffle drawing for cash prizes.

Visitors can dine in or take out homemade chowder (made from a recipe passed down through generations) and a Chicken BBQ.

Many hands are needed to make this event a success!

Spring Raffle and Pot-luck Dinner

The Spring Raffle and Pot-luck Dinner take place in March at the Parish Hall, located at the Good Shepherd Pendleton Site. Parishioners are asked to bring a dish to share. There is a theme basket raffle, music and cash prizes. Donations of theme baskets are gratefully accepted.

Volunteers are always needed for planning, setting up and clean up after the event.

Parish & Social Needs

Bereavement Luncheon Volunteers

This group of volunteers provide a non-alcoholic luncheon in our Parish Hall after the funeral of a parishioner. The committee is made up of women and men who provide and serve the food, set up tables and clean up after the meal. This ministry is able to serve a maximum of 100 people and minimum of 25 people. The family of the deceased can notify the parish office directly or through the funeral director when they make funeral arrangements. The donation is $10 per person.

New volunteers are welcome and needed!

Respect Life Committee

The mission of the Respect Life Committee is to educate others and promote the dignity of life from conception to natural death through prayer, pastoral care, education and political action on behalf of the most vulnerable. We are an active and dedicated group who organize prayer vigils, infant supply drives, man informational tables and sign petitions to support mothers, babies and the family. New members and those who want to aid in this ministry are welcome.

Christian Mothers

The Christian Mothers of Good Shepherd Parish come together for spiritual development and social activities through yearly fundraisers for the benefit of the local poor and needy. They assist, wherever they can with parish expenses such as major repairs and fuel assistance in the winter months. They also help to provide assistance and outreach to young mothers.

The Christian Mothers are looking for caring and loving parishioners for this important ministry.

St. John Neumann Prayer Shawl Group

Parishioners work together on knitting special prayer shawls for Good Shepherd parishioners in need of healing prayer support.

The group meets the first Wednesday of each month in the Father Baker Room. They begin with an opening prayer with the intentions for the Prayer Shawl Ministry recited by all.

Prayer shawls are made for ECMC and Beechwood Facility residents.

Total shawls/laps for 2023 = 142

Total shawls/laps for 2024 =

Total shawls presented since 2011 = 1,269!

Outreach Volunteers

Parish outreach ministry involves volunteers who pick up and deliver donated items for various supported outreach ministry projects of Good Shepherd Parish.

Gently used clothing items and donations of non-perishable food items are needed.

Boy Scout Troop 47 & Cub Scouts

Youth Group

Our Parish Young Group Ministry exists in collaboration with our Parish Family of St. Gregory the Great and St. Pius X Parishes.

Your Suggestions

Is there a parish or social ministry that you would like to see at Good Shepherd Parish? Please contact the Parish Office to discuss the possibility of starting this ministry!

Good Shepherd Roman Catholic Church 716-625-8594