Join our Parish

Parish membership is an important part of active participation in Christ's Church. We welcome all new parishioners and ask you to please complete a parish registration form (click the button below), to complete at the parish office during regular hours or at home (click HERE for a form to fill out by hand) and either mail back to the parish or drop it in the weekend collection basket.

A parishioner is someone who has completed the registration form, regularly attends Mass and regularly contributes to the parish financially. It is necessary to be a fully registered parishioner in order to request the sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, Confirmation or Marriage.

It is also necessary to be a registered and active parishioner in order to request a letter of recommendation to serve as a Godparent for Baptism or a sponsor for Confirmation of OCIA.

We ask anyone who is confirmed to register as a parishioner "on their own" rather than remain on your parents' registration. The fact that you are baptized, received First Communion and have been confirmed does not mean you are automatically registered as a parishioner.

If you have recently moved, changed your landline to a cellphone or your phone number has changed, please contact the Parish Office at 716-625-8594 to make the necessary changes.

Parish Office Hours:

Tuesday - Thursday 9 am - noon - other times by appointment

Parish Mailing Address:

5442 Tonawanda Creek Road, N

North Tonawanda, New York 14120

Parish Phone Number and Email:


Good Shepherd Roman Catholic Church 716-625-8594